

''I tried to close our story, but you opened it, again and again..
and now, I am going to close it forever.
I put a lock on it and I say goodbye.
It's better if I never see you again.''

''She can't fall for you, because you aren't there to catch her.''

''Sometimes it's better to be alone, because no one can hurt you that way.''

''Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again. Skinned knees are easier to heal than a broken heart.''

''The saddest thing in the world is loving someone who used to love you.''

''As soon as forever is through, I'll be over you.''

''Relationships are like glasses, when they're broken, leave them broken. You'll only hurt yourself trying to fix it. At least the pieces will remain.''

A thousand words wouldn't bring him back, because I tried.
A thousand tears wouldn't bring him back because I cried.
You left me with much pain but great memories too, but I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.

They say, time heals everything, but without you, time stands still.
You made me laugh when I wanted to cry, you were there for me when I wanted to die. You were the only one who made me smile; Suddenly I saw why you were worth the while. Then she came along and stole your heart, as I slowly blinked back tears and slowly fell apart.
Dear First love; When I think back to these times with you, I can’t help but I smile. Because even though I lost you, I’m thankful for all the times I had you by my side. You’re not a part of my life anymore, but you’re still in my heart. And when I think of someone else by your side, my heart still aches, because I know it once was me, because I still love you more. But after all the times I just want to thank you. Because you taught me how to love, how to smile and how to laugh. And when you walked away you tore my heart into a thousand pieces, but you also taught me how to deal with it, how to move on. You taught me how to live with pain and how to let go one step at the time, how to eventually smile again. So thank you for making me that much stronger.


The hardest part of losing someone is when you know that they are happier without you, and you want them to be happy, so you let them go.

I’m the type of girl that can be so hurt but still look at you and smile. The type of girl who’s willing to brighten your day even if she can’t brighten her own.


I’m not running away from you. I’m waking away slowly, and inside it’s killing me that you don’t love me enough to stop me.

Where were you? 
When all I needed was a friend.. 
When all I needed was someone to pull me into their arms and hold me.